Registration for Development Days 2019 Conference is open!

Registration for our annual international conference Development Days 2019 is now open! To register, please first fill out the registration form and then transfer the conference fee to the FSDR bank account.

The conference fee is €30 for members of the Finnish Society for Development Research, and €45 for non-members. In the online registration form, participants can also indicate if they want to become members of FSDR and be added to the FSDR mailing list after paying the fee. The membership fee is €25 (€10 for students).

Thus, the amount to be paid is as follows:

Conference fee for a non-member: €45

Conference fee for a member (in case you have already paid membership fee for 2019): €30

Conference fee + membership fee (non-student): €70

Conference fee + membership fee (student): €55

Please transfer this to the FSDR bank account:

Recipient: Kehitystutkimuksen seura ry

IBAN: FI85 8000 1700 4897 44

Bank: Danske Bank, BIC: DABAFIHH

Please use the appropriate reference* number:

Conference fee for non-member: 152

Conference fee for member (in case you have already paid membership fee for 2019): 107

Conference fee + membership fee (non-student): 149

Conference fee + membership fee (student): 136

*In case your fee is transferred by an institution and not from an account which displays your name, please write your name in the message field instead of using the reference number.

Registration is open until 20th February 2019.

Journalists are welcome to attend the conference for free, provided that they can show a press/media card. To register as a member of the press, please contact conference assistants Noora Isomäki and Melisa Yasav (