Durand, Leticia, Anja Nygren, Anne Cristina de la Vega-Leinert (coords.) (2019) Naturaleza e neoliberalismo en América Latina, Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de México.
Includes a chapter by Anja Nygren: “Gobernanza neoliberal de riesgos y vulnerabilidades en acuajes urbanos en México”, pp. 423-465.
And by Saila-Maria Saaristo:“Asociaciones de residentes de las favelas: entre represión, violencia y política”, pp. 385-422.
Gills, Barry and Morgan, Jamie (2019). Global Climate Emergency: after COP24, climate science, urgency, and the threat to humanity. Globalizations, pp.1-18. Available for free:
Gills, Barry and Chase-Dunn, Christopher (2019). In search of unity: a new politics of solidarity and action for confronting the crisis of global capitalism. Globalizations, 16(7), pp.967-972. Available for free:
Holma, Katariina and Kontinen, Tiina (eds) (2019) Practices of Citizenship in East-Africa: Perspectives from Philosophical Pragmatism. Oxon: Routledge.
The book results from a research project “Growth into Citizenship in Civil Society Encounters” (GROW), funded by the Academy of Finland Development Research Programme (2015-2019), partnering with the University of Dodoma, Tanzania and Makerere University, Uganda.
Juego, Bonn. (in press, forthcoming 2020). IPE Scholarship About Southeast Asia: Theories of Development and State-Market-Society Relations. In Ernesto Vivares (ed.) The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy: Conversations and Inquiries. (Library acquisition request can now be made and pre-order available.)
Käkönen, Mira & Try Thuon (2019) Overlapping zones of exclusion: carbon markets, corporate hydropower enclaves and timber extraction in Cambodia, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 46:6, 1192-1218, Open access: https://doi.org/10.1080/03066150.2018.1474875
Kröger, Markus and Nygren, Anja 2019. Shifting frontier dynamics in Latin America. Journal of Agrarian Change (accepted, in press).
Quist,Liina-Maija and Nygren, Anja 2019. Debating the unknowns of marine oil exploration in Mexico. The Extractive Industries and Society 6: 855-862.
Zubaidah, Djohar, ed. (2019) Dalam Keriput yang Tak Usang; SUARA PEMUDA DAN JALAN PANJANG PERDAMAIAN ACEH. Lhokseumawe: Unimal Press. [Wrinkles that Remind of the Past: Voice of Youth and the Long Journey of Peace in Aceh] . E-book (in Indonesian) is available here: http://repository.unimal.ac.id/4894/
As part of Marjaana Jauhola’s Academy Fellowship (2015-20)
As a result of writing workshops and mentoring by Zubaidah Djohar, students of the University of Malikussaleh explore the question of peace in Aceh in this edited volume.