Upcoming Opportunities (December 2019)

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman (New journal publishing from January 2020)

Anthropocenes engages our contemporary epoch of the Anthropocene on the basis that its importance goes far beyond the popular and scientific concerns of global warming and climate change. As well as new problems, the Anthropocene offers new opportunities: questioning and disrupting established disciplinary silos and assumptions, calling for innovative, experimental and new interdisciplinary approaches. The choice of title reflects our understanding of the Anthropocene as a plural concept that is radically transformed when seen from different disciplines, different geographical and social positions, and different ontological categories (human, inhuman, posthuman).

Anthropocenes welcomes submissions not so much on the basis of the ‘what’ of the topic covered but rather the ‘how’. Our core readership fields are the social sciences, arts and humanities (broadly construed), although often social and political thought will also be applied to aspects of the natural or ‘hard’ sciences. We are interested in the creative, disruptive and transformative potentials of thought and practices in the Anthropocene.

 Types of submission

Different categories of submission are encouraged in addition to peer reviewed research articles (usually 6,000-8,000 words) such as: commentaries (overviews) or interventions (more polemic) on current issues or events or aspects of specialist topics (1,500-3,000 words); insights (pedagogically orientated pieces or practitioner focused); interviews (1,000-1,500 words) as well as book or other reviews (1,000-1,500 words). We also accept pieces on/as art practices and other creative pieces (short stories, visual essays, poems and so on), as well as submissions that might require some form of digital support. However, we would not be looking at anything multimedia longer than 10 minutes.

Submissions at https://www.anthropocenes.net/

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Destruction and Creativity, Sustainable Science Days 2020

We invite you to submit an abstract for the Sustainability Science Days organized 6-7th May 2020 in Helsinki & Espoo, Finland.  Abstract submission is open until 19th January 2020.

The Sustainability Science Days is a two-day conference organized jointly by Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) and Aalto Sustainability Hub (ASH). The overarching title of the conference is Destruction & Creativity. The conference will concentrate on radical changes that are indispensable for creative solutions to the present sustainability crisis. Please find below the sessions, which now welcome abstracts.

As part of the Sustainability Science days there are twelve (12) thematic scientific sessions, 90min each. The sessions are convened by pairs of scientific leaders, with one from Aalto University, and one from the University of Helsinki with a commentator from practice, nudging critical discussion about sustainability. We hope to catalyse and facilitate inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration and welcome proposals from experienced academics as well as beginning scholars and doctoral students. Submission instructions can be found below in the message.

The sessions display a variety of perspectives on the topics through three thematically structured tracks:

Track ”Materialities”

Session 1: Extractivisms and Alternatives: Bridging Disciplinary Understanding

The session is robust exploration of renewables, recycling, and new tech developments that could help to address the current forms of destructive and unsustainable extraction of raw materials.

Session 2: Building up carbon-neutral cities with wood?

This session discusses recent research on and shares practical cases highlighting challenges and opportunities in the adoption of wood and hybrid building solutions, and their role in sustainability transformations.

Session 3: Finnish road to sustainable metallurgy

The session will be an opportunity for the researchers from different fields of materials engineering and processing to present their recent studies on improving the sustainability of metals production, with a particular emphasis on metals recovery, reuse and recycling as well as optimization of existing processes.

Session 4: Sustainable bio-based plastics innovation ecosystems through disruptive business and regulation

Interactive and multi-disciplinary discussions on the disruptions needed in the business, legislative and policy frameworks to transition towards a more sustainable innovation ecosystem for (3D printable) bio-based plastic products.

Track ”Transitions”

Session 5: Ecowelfare state? Trajectories toward wellbeing in a post-growth society

The welfare state is claimed to indicate sustainability, but also economic growth and resource-hungry patterns of everyday life. This session explores the potential and limitations of transformation towards an eco-welfare state.

Session 6: Deep Transformations and Destruction?

In this session we invite submissions that take a deeper, more creative approach to explore and enact transitions and transformations in cities, focusing on cultural shifts, knowledge integration and/or deep leverage points, as well as structural and value changes in our societal systems.

Session 7: Innovative approaches for reconfigurations in consumption and production

How to accelerate fundamental, systemic changes in consumption and production towards sustainability? How to disrupt present practices and reconfigure more sustainable ones?

Session 8: From the Culture of Waste to Circular Economy: Past, Present and Future Challenges

This session aims to answer the overarching question “How can we destroy cultures of waste?” from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, such as arts, business, engineering, environmentally focused humanities and social sciences. The goal is to facilitate truly interdisciplinary dialogue on waste and over extraction.

Track ”Societies”

Session 9: The challenges of gender equality and indigenous peoples’ rights for realizing a just transition

The session invites scholars to submit abstracts discussing the topics of gender equality and the rights of indigenous peoples through the lens of case studies underlining the challenges, paradoxical and controversial aspects of sustainable development, together with initiatives that may propose a counter narrative fostering just sustainabilities for all.



Session 10: Social aspects of the energy transition

Emphasising the social aspects and human agency of the energy transition. How to enhance just creative destruction?

Session 11: Climate finance

The finance sector is ready and willing to mitigate climate change but needs research on how to do it.

Session 12: Participatory extreme environments and SDGs #9 #11 – What to learn, what to give?

By presenting and discussing views on the potential of participatory extreme context, we wish to co-explore and learn a way towards a common path where more focus and dedication is given to the creation of novel sustainable solutions regarding SDG #9 and #11. “Participation is shapeshifting the way we see power and engagement. Out of extreme grows the most magnificent innovation.”

Submission guidelines

To present your work in the conference please submit an abstract (max 500 words without references, as a pdf “Session_#_Lastname_SSD2020”) on your research on any of the topics listed above. The abstract should include the key research questions, theoretical underpinnings, empirical foundations (if applicable) and expected contributions to the discussions of the selected theme. Submit your abstract via the submission system: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/EP/0BD9F887FBFF6D87

The submission is open until 19th January 2020.

Click here for full descriptions of sessions and the Call for Abstracts.

Notification of acceptance/rejection for submissions will be sent February 14th  2020. Registrations for the conference will open in spring and session programmes are published in March 2020. All sessions are open and free of charge.


See below for more information on the whole conference. Full program here and introduction of keynote speakers.

Also a doctoral students´ mentoring event will be organised on Tuesday 5th of May 2020 in Otaniemi. A separate invitation will be delivered to the doctoral students of Aalto and UH.

About SSD2020 conference

Amidst our current global crisis, key obstacles preventing a sustainable future are the persistent attitudes, perceptions, technologies and (infra)structures that hinder the radical change into new ways of doing and making living on the planet sustainable. Inspired by, yet not limited to Joseph Schumpeter’s concept of creative destruction, the Sustainability Science Days 2020 focuses on the current detrimental structures and behaviours that need to be destructed and eradicated in order to create opportunities for profoundly novel sustainable solutions, technologies and social innovations to emerge.

In the conference, the underlying premise of creative destruction is discussed especially in the context of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals 9 and 11. This comprises building resilient infrastructures, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation (SDG#9) with special emphasis on cities and other kinds of human settlements (SDG#11). Creativity and destruction are indispensable to make communities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

You are warmly welcome to submit your abstract and save the dates of the conference already now!

On behalf of the organisers,

Professor Anne Toppinen, Director of HELSUS and

Professor Minna Halme, Director of Aalto Sustainability Hub




SSD2020 is coordinated by:

Paula Schönach, Adjunct Professor, PhD,

Research coordinator

Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science,


+358 2941 57827, paula.schonach@helsinki.fi



Meri Löyttyniemi, Senior advisor for sustainability, Research Services

Aalto University, Sustainability Hub

+358 50 313 7549, meri.loyttyniemi@aalto.fi




SSD2020 team and practicalities: helsinki.fi/en/conferences/sustainability-science-days-conference-2020/practical-information











CALL FOR PAPERS: Development Studies Conference, the University of Dodoma, Tanzania, March 2020

How about participating in a Development Studies Conference in Africa?  Call for papers for the International Conference in Development Studies in 11.-12.March 2020, in the University of Dodoma, Tanzania is open until 5th January. The conference in arranged in collaboration with the Institute of Development Studies, University of Dodoma, Institute of Development Studies, University of Dar es Salaam, and the CS-LEARN project at the University of Jyväskylä, funded by the Academy of Finland DEVELOP-programme.

More information on the official flier here.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: EADI/ISS Conference: Solidarity, Peace, and Social Justice (Extended Deadline)

The call for abstracts will close on 6 January 2020 (extended from 15 December 2019).


You are welcome to propose joint sessions to be co-sponsored by another research group.

RELATED – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS TO JOIN EADI/ISS PANEL H100 Education and social justice in the pluriverse (Harvest panel)

Current Panel Members: Paola Minoia, Johanna Hohenthal, Tujia Veintie, University of Helsinki

Panel Information: The comprehensive development project manifested in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposes through the SDG4 an overall engagement on “quality education for all”. It endeavours to support social justice by promoting equal access to education for the most deprived groups. However, the SDG4 does not acknowledge the existing epistemic diversity around the world and the need to support alternative ways to learn and produce knowledge. Neither does it contain any reference to the UN declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples of 2007. Thus, Indigenous perspectives, knowledges and alternative forms of education remain marginalized. To promote global social and epistemic justice, education should include equal representation of diverse epistemologies, knowledges and educational practices. Without comprehensive understanding of epistemic pluralism, interculturality and hegemonies of power within the society, well-meaning educational programs may end up reproducing models of neoliberal multiculturalism and ideas of primitive otherness, and fail to promote equal relations among existing cultures. Instead, a radical project on intercultural education should reflect the principles of relationality between lands, beings and knowledges (Walsh 2018) linked to the distinctive territorial and ecological realities and sustaining transformation projects to reverse structural injustices.

This session is organised by members of EADI Working Group on “Post- and Decolonial Perspectives on Development and welcomes papers that discuss pluriversal educational alternatives in diverse contexts. We particularly welcome contributions from young scholars and participants from the Global South and/or with Indigenous background. Abstracts of 500-600 words including key literature, theoretical and methodological approaches and keywords should be submitted by 6 January. Authors of accepted abstracts should send draft papers by March 2020. Full papers are circulated within the presenters and organizers before the conference. After the conference, the organizers invite the authors to submit their revised manuscript for possible publication in an upcoming special issue in an international journal.

Looking forward to receiving your abstracts! Please follow the instructions here: https://www.eadi.org/gc/2020/panel-sessions/harvest-panels/hp100-education-and-social-justice-in-the-pluriverse/

Paola Minoia, Johanna Hohenthal and Tuija Veintie

Development Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki





CALL FOR PAPERS: RAI Anthropology and Geography Conference Panel – (Re)scaling the Anthropocene

We invite paper proposals at our panel at the RAI Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future conference (London, 4th- 7th June 2020) (Re)scaling the Anthropocene

Deadline for paper proposals: 8th January 2020.

Convenors: Viola Schreer and Hannah Fair (both Brunel University London)

The Anthropocene has been described as a profoundly ‘scalar project’ (Hecht 2018), in which (inter)personal, local, regional, national, global, and planetary scales constantly emerge and collapse. Emerging from social, cultural, economic, technopolitical, and scholarly processes, scales are mutable, function discursively yet have material effects: they reveal and conceal; they support political claims; and they both define and defy disciplinary boundaries.

This panel brings anthropologists and geographers into dialogue about how a focus on scale can produce more nuanced understandings about the Anthropocene and enrich different disciplinary perspectives. Concretely, we ask: how we can productively make use of (re)scaling both as object of analysis and a methodological device to explore how the Anthropocene is experienced, contested and negotiated across multiple settings? How can (re)scaling help anthropology to bring its traditional focus on the local to engage with the planetary? How does the Anthropocene reconfigure relations between the human and the non-human at multiple levels? How can such a rescaling be mindful of the conceit of the Anthropos as a universal subject position (Nixon 2017), and bring decolonial, feminist and queer analyses into its understanding (Davis and Todd 2017)? What distinctive tools and perspectives can more-than-human geography and multi-species ethnography bring to these questions?

We are particularly interested in papers that sit at the intersection of anthropology and geography and address the question of (re)scaling in the Anthropocene. Possible topics could include (but are not limited to):




Engagements with non-human others

Climate Change


Toxicities and waste

Digital Natures

Please submit papers here: https://nomadit.co.uk/conference/rai2020/p/8290



CALL FOR SESSIONS: RGS-IBG 2020 Annual Conference

The RGS-IBG Social and Cultural Geography Research Group (SCGRG) would like to invite expressions of interest for sponsored sessions for the RGS-IBG 2020 Annual Conference, which will take place in London from Tuesday 1 to Friday 4 September 2020. Please send expressions of interest including the below information by Friday 3rd January at 6pm.

The theme for the 2020 Annual Conference, chaired by Professor Uma Kothari, is borders, borderlands and bordering.

SCGRG is keen to sponsor sessions that directly relate to the conference theme but also those sessions that engage with broader issues of contemporary concern to social and cultural geographers.

You can find out more about the theme at: https://www.rgs.org/research/annual-international-conference/chair-s-theme/

When designing your session proposals please take note of the following:

  1. A session cannot occupy more than two timeslots on the conference programme unless this has been pre-arranged with the RGS team. Those seeking more than one timeslot should consider co-sponsorship (i.e. splitting sponsorship so as to have a sponsor for each time slot).
  2. Each attendee can only make two substantive contributions to the conference programme (e.g. as paper presenter, panel member, discussant). A substantive contribution is defined as one where the individual concerned needs to be present in the session room, and so can include session organiser if attendance is necessary. For individuals proposing multiple co-authored papers, an alternative presenter must be clearly nominated at the time of submitting the session/paper.

You can find the RGS guidelines for session proposals at: https://www.rgs.org/research/annual-international-conference/programme-(1)/guidance-for-session-organisers/



CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (LECTURER) – University of East Anglia Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and the School of International Development, Lecturer in Climate Change and International Development

The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and the School of International Development (DEV) at UEA seek to recruit a talented, ambitious and self-motivated lecturer in the area of climate change and international development.

This appointment will add to internationally renowned research in the UK’s Tyndall Centre on the risks, trade-offs and opportunities arising from climate change, and in DEV on alleviating poverty through climate policy actions. Successful candidates will develop an international and interdisciplinary profile of research and teaching that complements existing strengths in DEV and UEA.

The specific research areas for this post include interactions between climate change mitigation and adaptation and their effects on poverty. That the impacts of climate change will affect the poorest and most vulnerable people in the world is well established. Climate change is embedded within the same complex and interconnected socio-economic, political, technological, industrial and environmental systems as poverty and inequality. In an unequal world, what does the imperative to mitigate and adapt to climate change mean and for whom?

You must have a PhD in any field with relevance to climate change, sustainability, and international development, along with research and teaching experience, a track record in securing funding, and a strong publication track record in leading journals. You must be a team player and a strong communicator interested in interdisciplinary and policy-relevant climate change research. The Lecturer will work across the Tyndall Centre and the School of International Development at UEA.

This full time indefinite post is available from January 2020, or as soon as possible thereafter. Closing date is the 19th December. Follow this link https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BWV094/tyndall-centre-lecturer-in-climate-change-and-international-development for more information.



CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (PhD PROGRAMME) – University of Helsinki Department of Economics and Management

The Department of Economics of Management at the University of Helsinki is looking for doctoral students to work on the theme of Degrowth. For further information, please contact:

Pasi Heikkurinen, D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.)

Senior Lecturer | Director of MSc Food Economy and Consumption

Department of Economics and Management | Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

University of Helsinki | Latokartanonkaari 5, 00014 Helsinki, Finland

pasi.heikkurinen@helsinki.fi | 00358 29 41 58980



CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (MASTER’S PROGRAMME) – University of Jyväskylä International Master’s Degree Programme in Development, Education and International Cooperation

Submissions open January 8 – 22, 2020. More information about the programme available here.



CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (PhD PROGRAME): Monash University School of Social Sciences – Human Geography, TRANSFORM project

This exciting PhD research project will undertake a comparative analysis of the transformative innovation policy contexts for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Australia, Canada and Sweden, with the aim of fostering entrepreneurial activities and informing future policy and program interventions. Supervised by A/Prof. Megan Farrelly and A/Prof. Wendy Stubbs, this PhD will contribute to TRANSFORM (www.transformcities.ca), an international research collaboration with academics from Germany, U.S.A., Canada, Sweden and the Netherlands. One aim of TRANSFORM is to develop policy guidance for governments to link innovation and sustainability strategies that support SMEs as key actors in sustainability transformations. By contributing to this broader research agenda, the successful candidate will have opportunities to seek visiting researcher placements and academic mentoring from internationally-regarded academics.

The research will broadly draw on sustainability transitions, transformative innovation policy, multi-level governance, and organizational change scholarships. Through qualitative research data collection techniques (e.g. semi-structured interviews, case studies) and field work with a variety of SMEs and policy/government decision-makers, the research will focus on scholarly insights, but also on developing critical insights to inform policy and guide future governance pathways. This work will seek to answer the question: What does a transformative innovation policy context look like for encouraging SMEs to actively participate in a sustainability transition?

Scholarship: AU$28,373 per year (tax-free) for 3 years plus additional research and travel allowance.

Candidate: An Australian or New Zealand citizen, permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa holder, with a minimum of a first class honors degree or equivalent. A range of disciplinary backgrounds will be considered such as environmental science, geography, policy, social science, corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

Contact: For further information please contact A/Prof. Megan Farrelly megan.farrelly@monash.edu or A/Prof. Wendy Stubbs wendy.stubbs@monash.edu

Application requirements: Expressions of interest should be addressed to A/Prof. Megan Farrelly and include a cover letter detailing your relevant experience/interest, a CV, copy of academic records and two referees, by no later than close of business on 31st January 2020 .

Associate Professor Megan Farrelly & Associate Professor Wendy Stubbs
School of Social Science – Human Geography
Monash University,
20 Chancellors Walk,
Clayton, 3800 Victoria.


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR): The New School Studley Graduate Program in International Affairs, Assistant professor of International Affairs and Global Studies

The Studley Graduate Program in International Affairs (SGPIA) and the Global Studies Program of The New School invite applications for a renewable-term (non-tenure track) faculty position as Assistant Professor of International Affairs and Global Studies beginning on July 1, 2020.

We are seeking a scholar from any of the disciplines in the social sciences with an active agenda of research and publication relevant to the two programs, and a record of excellent teaching. We encourage applications from candidates whose research crosses disciplines and works with heterodox/non-mainstream theoretical frameworks (such as feminist, post-colonial/decolonial, non-Western, or indigenous approaches, among others). We are interested in candidates who pursue innovative research agendas that engage with urgent contemporary challenges, and who explore creative pedagogies. A particular research focus is not required. However, there are fields that would be of particular interest, including: environmental studies, science and technology studies, legal studies and indigenous studies. Research areas of interest include global justice, sustainability, and digital technologies. A focus on the Global South would be preferred, particularly China and the Middle East region.

The teaching load is five graduate/undergraduate courses per year or its equivalent, plus advising students and supervising theses in both programs. The successful candidate should also demonstrate an interest and aptitude for curriculum development and rotational faculty leadership roles.

The position would be a joint appointment to SGPIA that offers graduate degrees and the Global Studies program that serves undergraduates. The position is homed in SGPIA in the Schools of Public Engagement but will involve participating in and contributing to teaching, advising and service in both faculties. Both are interdisciplinary programs that include faculty with diverse disciplinary backgrounds in the social sciences and the humanities. Both programs bridge critical theory and practical training and investigate complex global processes and issues. The approach is distinctive in the New School tradition: reflective, iconoclastic, and socially engaged. Information about The New School and the Studley Graduate Program in International Affairs can be found at: https://www.newschool.edu/public-engagement/ma-ms-international-affairs/ and Global Studies at: https://www.newschool.edu/lang/global-studies/.

The New School is committed to actively recruiting from a diverse pool of applicants. We encourage candidates from around the world and from groups underrepresented in US higher education to apply. The New School does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, colour, creed, sex or gender (including gender identity and expression), pregnancy, sexual orientation, religion, religious practices, mental or physical disability, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, veteran status, marital or partnership status, or any other legally protected status

The New School, a private university in New York City, serves undergraduate and graduate students across a range of fields with a commitment to bringing social science research and practices in design to studying issues of our time and challenging students to become engaged global citizens dedicated to contributing to the public good.


– A Ph.D. in one of the social sciences (including but not limited to political science, economics, anthropology, sociology, and geography),

– teaching experience at the university level,

– capacity to work well with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and levels of professional experience.

To Apply:

For full consideration, please submit applications by December 1st although applications will be considered until the position is filled. Using The New School’s human resources website, http://careers.newschool.edu applicants must submit:

  1. a cover letter summarizing their qualifications and teaching experience;
  2. a curriculum vitae;
  3. a statement of teaching philosophy and practice relevant to this position;
  4. two academic writing samples;
  5. teaching evaluations;
  6. the names of three references.

For information on the University benefits package including health and retirement plans, please visit http://www.newschool.edu/human-resources/benefits/



CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (POSTDOC) – University of Oxford Martin School, Research Associate in Urban Development

The Oxford Martin School and the University of Oxford is seeking a Research Associate in Urban Development to conduct theoretically-informed, empirically grounded research about climate migrant mobilities in Ethiopia.

The study will examine how climate migrants adapt to life in Addis Ababa’s informal settlements and how host communities in those settlements respond to their arrival and cope with the potentially extra pressures on resources and infrastructures.

The post is full-time for a fixed-term of 24 months, and more information is available here.

The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon (UK time) on Friday 10 January 2020, and interviews are likely be held in the week commencing 20 January 2020.

The research is part of on an interdisciplinary research programme on Informal Cities funded by the Oxford Martin School and the University of Oxford. It brings together researchers from four departments in our University: School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography (COMPAS), School of Geography and the Environment (Transport Studies Unit), the Mathematical Institute, and Medicine (George Institute for Global Health). The advertised post will be based in the Transport Studies Unit and the post holder will collaborate closely with Prof Tim Schwanen (Transport Studies Unit), Prof Michael Keith (COMPAS) and colleagues in the Informal Cities programme.

The post holder must hold, or be close to completing, a PhD in anthropology, geography, urban studies or related fields and excellent skills in the conduct of research using ethnographic methods. They will have prior experience of conducting research Addis Ababa or elsewhere in Ethiopia, including language competency in Amharic. In-depth understanding of theoretical approaches to the study of climate change-induced mobilities (e.g. migration), urban infrastructures and everyday life in the city is essential. A good research and publication record, judged by the candidate’s career stage, is a must.

Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. Applications are required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of their online application.

Please contact Tim Schwanen (tim.schwanen@ouce.ox.ac.uk) for informal inquiries.



CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (MASTER’S PROGRAMME): University of Sheffield Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Master of Science in Cities and Global Development

There has never been a more relevant time to study the relationship between cities and processes of global development. Cities and urban planning are taking centre stage in the new Sustainable Development Goals, and the UN has recently set out a new urban agenda ushering in a new ‘urban age’ in international development policy and practice.

Studying on our MSc in Cities and Global Development, you will explore the range of urban development and planning challenges faced by governments and populations in Asia, Latin America and Africa, whilst learning vital analytical and practical tools to address them.

This interdisciplinary course looks at urban problems and how they interact with global development processes, exploring the links between national and local policies as well as the economic, social, institutional and political relationships between the global north and south.

The course is aimed at those wishing to acquire the skills and knowledge to pursue careers in international development assistance, urban governance, planning and environmental policy in the global South. Previous students have gone on to work for various branches of the UN and as graduate planners for leading firms in the UK and Europe.

There’s a wide range of optional modules and core teaching reflecting the latest debates in urban theory and development studies. A built-in international field trip, currently to Durban, South Africa, enables students to develop skills in site analysis, urban design and policy-making, and apply them to real-life urban development scenarios. The course includes the option to undertake a team-based student consultancy project for an external client, providing the opportunity to undertake ‘live’ consultancy work for a public, private or non-profit organisation in the field of international urban development.

This MSc is accredited by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), making it unique in the UK by offering both a client-facing project option and the opportunity for professional accreditation.

SCHOLARSHIPS & BURSARIES – Applicants from a large number of developing countries are eligible to apply for fully-funded scholarships to study on this course and range of broader funding opportunities are available. Home students are eligible for the RTPI Bursary Scheme.

If you have any questions about the course or want more information, contact Dr Gabriel Silvestre g.silvestre@sheffield.ac.uk

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (PhD PROGRAMME): Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics, Program in Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business

The Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics (WCGE) hosts the Doctoral Program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” (ERL). For admissions in November/December 2020, the program will award up to SIX DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS.

The scholarships are financed by the Karl Schlecht Foundation (KSG) and by the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (SDW). The scholarship includes a monthly living stipend of 1,350 € and a membership in the doctoral program with an access to a broad scientific and professional network.

The international doctoral program academically and financially supports doctoral candidates who develop scientifically well-founded and practically relevant answers to questions arising in the research areas of economic, corporate, and leadership ethics. The doctoral program is ideal for highly qualified, socially engaged, and globally thinking, active young scholars and practitioners from all over the world. For further information see: www.ethicsinbusiness.eu

The application deadline is APRIL 26, 2020

Thematic Focus of the Program and the Scholarships Business, corporate, and leadership ethics make up the research areas of the doctoral program. In particular, this program focusses on the framework for entrepreneurial value creation for the good of people, society, and the environment, on the responsibilities placed on companies and the social trust in companies and their decision makers, and on good leadership.

The dissertation projects of applicants must fit to the thematic focus of the doctoral program and the research interests of the supervising professors. Applicants should familiarize themselves with these research interests on the program’s website. Applicants should submit their application via the online application portal: https://ls.wcge.org/application2020

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (WORKSHOP): Sustainable Consumption, Everyday Life, and Social Change

Workshop series titled Sustainable consumption, everyday life and social change. The call for applications to participate in the workshops is now open!

This workshop series, funded by the Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS), aims to provide new insights into the role of everyday practices in social change and environmental sustainability. With the hope of establishing a strong research network of early-career Nordic scholars, the long-term objective is cross-national and interdisciplinary research collaborations.

The workshops are divided into three themes: (1) contemporary research in the Nordic countries, (2) future theoretical and methodological challenges, and (3) policy and interventions. The workshops will be held in Helsinki (April 2-3, 2020), Copenhagen (December 2020) and Uppsala (early fall 2021).

We now invite applications from early-career researchers from Nordic Countries in the first workshop at the University of Helsinki, April 2-3. Deadline for applications is January 30th. Applicants are notified by February 7th.

Application form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/102210/lomake.html

More information: https://blogs.helsinki.fi/nonesco/workshop-1/